
Academic Profile of the MSc "Special Education"

During the planning phase of the Postgraduate Studies Programme (MSc) “Special Education” of the Department of Primary Education (PTE) and with the cooperation of educational institutions (Teachers’ Federation, Primary Education Teachers’ Association, Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Epirus, Directorate of Primary Education of Ioannina), as well as the cooperation of association of parents and guardians of persons with disabilities and/or special educational needs of the Region of Epirus, the National Confederation of Persons with Disabilities (ESAMEA/ Regional Department) and the Panhellenic Federation of Parents and Guardians of Persons with Disabilities (POSGAMEA). All the above were taken into consideration regarding both its academic profile and its orientation. Specifically, as regards the first axis (academic profile), the organization and operation of the Second Cycle of Programmes of Studies is governed by the current provisions of Tertiary Education and by the specific provisions of the current law 4957/2022 (Volume A’ 141/ 21.07.2022). On the basis of the applicable legislation, it is established that the Postgraduate Studies Programmes are part of the strategic planning of the universities, are governed by scientific consistency and aim to further the promotion of knowledge, the development of research and the arts, as well as the satisfaction of the educational, research and development needs of the country. In the context of the aforementioned, the academic orientation of the MSc “Special Education” focuses on two main areas: (a) the education and scientific training of the future special education teachers and (b) the development and advancement of the field of Special Education and inclusive education.

According to the second axis (orientation of the MSc), the aim of the MSc “Special Education” is the effective education of postgraduate students through: a) teaching both compulsory courses necessary for the acquisition of general psycho-pedagogical knowledge focused on Special Education and elective courses with content related to the contemporary applications of the scientific field of Special Education, b) teaching of courses related to research, c) optimization of academic cooperation between teachers and postgraduate students, d) integrated laboratory training, and e) applied practical training in the field, which are the School Units of Special Education and Training (S.M.E.A.E) and Special Education and Training Facilities.

The aim of the MSc “Special Education” is the specialization of postgraduate students in Special Education and Inclusive Education, in order to provide a more complete training to the trainees, so as to be able to recognize and understand the special characteristics of people with disabilities and/ or special educational needs, to design, implement and evaluate appropriate educational interventions and to be able to use the existing know-how in the field of Special Education. More generally, the ultimate goal is to provide postgraduate students with specialized knowledge and skills related to Special Education, support and inclusion of people with disabilities/ special educational needs both in the school environment and in the wider community.

By completing the MSc “Special Education” the postgraduate students will be able to:

  • Identify and understand the specific features and characteristics of each form of disability and/or special educational needs.
  • Take a scientific and holistic approach regarding the person with disabilities/ special educational needs and provide meaningful support at the micro level of the classroom and the macro level of their lives.
  • Design appropriate intervention programmes that respond effectively to the range of diversity and needs of students.
  • To evaluate educational interventions, to propose and incorporate current research data in the field of Special Education.

The objectives set by the MSc in order to meet both its academic character (history, scientific field, purpose, teaching staff, perspectives) and its orientation (educational, scientific, professional) are achieved through the provision of two categories of courses and a continuous dynamic interconnection of theory with educational and teaching practice. In particular: (a) the first category of courses focuses on the specialised psycho-pedagogical knowledge that every postgraduate student in the MSc “Special Education” of the Department of Primary Education must acquire, studying the theoretical level of educational issues, education and management of students with disabilities and/or special educational needs and (b) the second category of courses concerns the education and training of the postgraduate student in teaching issues, which are related to the practical training in school units of Special Education and Special Education and Training Structures in addition to the preparation of a compulsory diploma thesis.