

Admission requirements

Graduates of Departments and Faculties of Universities of Greece and similar recognized institutions of foreign countries as well as graduates of Departments of Technical Universities are admitted to the MSc.

Language of instruction of the MSc.

The language of instruction and preparation of the thesis is Greek. English may also be used. In cases that justify the necessity of writing the thesis in another language, the Assembly of the Department decides on the matter with a documented recommendation of the supervisor.

Duration and monitoring

The duration for the award of the Master’s Degree is four (4) academic semesters (three teaching semesters and one semester for the compulsory internship and the thesis). The start and duration of the semesters are determined by decision of the Departmental Assembly.

The total number of ECTS credits corresponding to the MSc is one hundred and twenty (120), i.e. thirty (30) ECTS credits in each semester.

The maximum time allowed for the completion of studies is set at 6 semesters. Only in exceptional cases, an extension of up to one year may be granted, following a decision of the Departmental Assembly.

Students are required to declare the courses they will attend each semester online at The declaration, which also constitutes a renewal of their registration, is made on dates determined by a decision of the Departmental Assembly.

Each semester includes 13 (thirteen) weeks of teaching. Postgraduate students are obliged to attend all the activities of the MSc without interruption. Attendance of the programme’s courses, active participation in workshops, research activities of the MSc, seminars, practical exercises, etc. is compulsory for the postgraduate students.

A postgraduate student who has attended a course for less than 80% of the scheduled teaching hours per semester is considered not to have successfully completed the course and is required to attend the course in the next semester.

The examination of each course may be oral, written, written, essay, or in any other way determined by the instructor, unless otherwise decided by the Departmental Assembly.

Postgraduate students may be granted, upon application, a temporary suspension of the attendance of the course or the preparation of the thesis, which may not exceed two (2) consecutive academic semesters, nor be less than one semester. During the period of suspension, the postgraduate student shall lose his/her status as a student. The period of suspension shall not count towards the maximum period of regular study.

A postgraduate student who resumes his/her studies is obliged to attend all courses, laboratories, seminars, practical exercises, etc., in which he/she was not successfully assessed before the suspension of his/her studies.

The Departmental Assembly, on the proposal of the Director, decides on the conditions of review and the reasons for withdrawal from the course. Indicatively, conditions of review and reasons for deletion may be:

    1.  insufficient progress of the postgraduate student (documented by non-participation in the educational process: attendance, examinations),
    2. failure to fulfil the obligations set out in the relevant Regulations,
    3. the adoption and application of academically dishonest practices (indicatively, the use of side letters); andthe application of the graduate student himself/herself.

The registration of admitted graduate students shall commence upon notification by the Departmental Secretariat, which shall specify the registration period and the required registration documents. Postgraduate students have all the rights, benefits and facilities provided for first cycle students, except for the right to free textbooks.

Postgraduate students with disabilities or special educational needs are provided with accommodations regarding the way of examination, access to the classrooms and laboratories.

Examinations are held at the end of each academic semester, with re-examinations in September.
Each postgraduate student may be examined a maximum of two times in each course. If he/she is failed the second time, the student is referred to the Director. The Director, after examining the student’s overall performance, recommends to the Department Assembly that the student be withdrawn from the MSc or that an additional examination be allowed, if there are exceptional reasons that justify the student’s reduced performance or the student’s repeating the course in the next semester.

Postgraduate students are required to participate in the examinations and the assessment of the courses of the Postgraduate Studies Programme, according to the needs of the Department. Failure of postgraduate students to meet the above obligations will be subject to sanctions.

Postgraduate students may be assigned special auxiliary work (tutorial support, laboratory courses, etc.) following a decision of the Departmental Assembly.
For each postgraduate student, the Assembly appoints one member of the faculty, from among those who have been assigned a postgraduate project, as an academic advisor. The academic advisor is responsible for monitoring the progress of the postgraduate student’s studies (see the Academic Advisor’s Regulations).

Teaching is face-to-face, but it is possible, according to Law 4957/2022, to provide distance learning. The provision of distance learning is intended to facilitate the needs of working students. Attendance is compulsory. Absence of more than 20% of the teaching hours means that the postgraduate student is excluded from the examinations of the course and must attend the course from the beginning.