
Quality of Policy


The Postgraduate Programmes of the Department of Primary Education of the University of Ioannina (U.I.), recognizing the need to ensure and continuously improve the quality of its educational and research work, as well as the effective operation of its services, adopting the requirements of the Internal Quality Assurance System and the Quality Policy of the Institution, the specifications of the Quality Assurance Authority (A. I.I.P.), international practices and policies of the European Higher Education Area, implement a Quality Policy in all functions.

Purpose and objectives of the Quality Policy

The aim of the Quality Policy is to develop a culture of quality in the Department’s Postgraduate Programmes of Studies in order to establish them as innovative Postgraduate Programmes in Greece and internationally, focusing on excellence, the academic and professional ethos of its graduates, basic and applied research, innovation, lifelong and distance education, the scientific contribution of its teaching and research staff to society.
General objectives of the Quality Assurance Policy

    1. Compliance with the general legal and regulatory framework of the University of Ioannina (Quality Policy, Internal Quality Assurance System, Internal Regulations of the University of Ioannina, Assembly decisions, etc.).
    2. Systematic improvement of academic, research and administrative quality indicators, as described in the objectives of the Postgraduate Programmes, the Internal Quality Assurance System of the University of Ioannina and the European Union Declaration on Quality Assurance in Higher Education.
    3. Enhancing the quality and number of research activities of the Postgraduate Programmes and, in general, the development of a high quality research environment, as well as the connection of the Postgraduate Programmes with its social partners.
    4. Enhancing the prestige of the Postgraduate Programmes at national and international level and increasing the confidence of its stakeholders and society in general in the knowledge, skills and competences of its graduates.
    5. To promote excellence in postgraduate students, lecturers and administrators.

Specific objectives of the Quality Assurance Policy

    1. Continuous improvement of the Postgraduate Study Programmes (MSc) through its periodic reform. Specifically, in the next academic period, it is proposed to consider the possibility of upgrading the MSc programmes to meet the basic needs of our graduates in relation to the application of new scientific developments in the individual subjects (courses) taught. In addition, the possibility for the MSc to attract foreign students will be examined. It is also proposed, based on the law 4957/21.07.2022, that the Postgraduate Programmes of the Department offer new programmes of study to meet the needs of the Greek society. In addition, the aim is to strengthen the practical training. Equally important is the strengthening of the participation of postgraduate students in research projects.
    2. Enhancing student-centred learning.
    3. Improving the performance of postgraduate students.
    4. Further enhancing the research work provided and linking teaching to research.
    5. Increase (quantitatively and qualitatively) of published research work.
    6. Ensuring ethical and moral standards in research and publications.
    7. Providing high quality educational, training, scientific and research services to institutions and structures.
    8. Further development of infrastructure for face-to-face and/or distance learning.
    9. Organisation of training and other activities (e.g. summer and winter schools).
    10. Strengthening extroversion
    11. Strengthening transnational cooperation in order to increase student and staff mobility.

Clear and measurable targeting of the Department’s Postgraduate Studies Programmes

In order to achieve the quality policy of the Department’s Postgraduate Programmes, measurable objectives have been proposed and are in force from the academic year 2022-2023, which are divided into five (5) sections:

    1. enhancing the quality of educational work
    2. achieving research excellence and enhancing innovation
    3. utilization of laboratory infrastructure and equipment
    4. strengthening education & training infrastructure and services,
    5. strengthening the extroversion of the MSc and the mobility of lecturers and postgraduate students.

The text of the objectives of the Department’s Postgraduate Programmes for the academic year 2022-2023 is available in the Proposal for the Accreditation of Postgraduate Programmes and will be posted online.
The Quality Policy of the Postgraduate Programmes of the Department of Primary Education of the University of Ioannina was approved by the Assembly of the Department No. 761/14.09.2022 and will be posted on the web.

Quality goals of MSc in Special Education for academic year 2022-2023